Yuav ua li cas ntxiv Subtitles rau MP4 yeeb yaj duab Mac thiab qhov rais

xav ntxiv ib lub subtitle rau koj lub recordings los tsim koj lub movie? los yog ntxiv ib subtitle ib tug yeeb yam txawv teb chaws kom to taub cov yeeb yam better? yog yooj yim heev ua subtitle ua hauj lwm nrog UniConverter. Qhov tsab xov xwm no yuav ua kom paub cov ncauj lus kom ntxaws qhia txog yeeb yaj duab uas tsis muaj ntxiv subtitles rau MP4 , nyeem kom paub ntau tiag.

Zoo tshaj tuam ntxiv Subtitles MP4 yeeb yaj duab Mac thiab qhov rais

Thaum tsw ua hauj lwm, tej yam koj yuav tsum paub: cov yeeb yaj duab tag nrho tsis tau muaj subtitle, i.e, yog koj muaj tej yeeb yaj duab FLV, koj tsis muaj peev xwm rhais lwm subtitles rau cov yees duab. Cov muab video tawm tswv yim rau subtitle Symptoms yog MP4, AVI, MKV thiab lwm yam. Tiam sis UniConverter, nrog rau cov kev txwv hom ntawv yog tsis muaj dab tsi.

Yees duab zoo Converter - UniConverter

Xav paub ntau nta cov UniConverter:

  • Hloov ua lwm yam yeeb yaj duab ntawm 150 + video thiab lub tawm tswv yim rau 90 X ceev ceev, xws li MP4, MOV, WMV, MKV, AVI, FLV, VOB, etc.
  • Ntxiv subtitles (.srt, .ass thiab .ssa) los yog watermarks thiab los tshwj xeeb los yog lwm tus nta kom koj cov yeeb yaj duab ua ntej converting xwb.
  • Download tau los sau yeeb yaj duab ntawm 1,000 + nrov hauv online video websites li YouTube, Vimeo, Vevo, Hulu, etc.
  • Xav kom koj converted yees duab rau koj li mobile iPhone, iPad, iPod lossis hauv tes thiab ntsiav tshuaj saib txog qhov mus.
  • Qhia txheej ke ua GIF, hloov ua lwm yam neeg, cam khwb cia yees duab rau TV, tshuaj ntsuam ntawv, thiab lwm yam cuab yeej kho mob.
  • Yeeb yaj duab rau DVD, daim DVD ntaub ntawv raws li tus thaub qab hlawv tau yooj yim.
  • Txawm tau tshaj cov macOS thiab cov qhov rais OS, nrog rau qhov tseeb macOS 10.12 Sierra thiab 10 qhov rai.

Neeg Gudie mus ntxiv Subtitles los MP4 nrog iSkysoft

Kauj ruam 1. Import lub MP4 qhov ntaub ntawv rau tus yees duab Converter

Ntxiv cov yeeb yaj duab tau qhov twg los, koj yuav luag & xa koj cov ntaub ntawv rau lub MP4 converter, los yog lub taub hau rau "Ntxiv cov ntaub ntawv" khawm los ntsaws MP4 video ntaub ntawv. Yog hais tias koj xav ntxiv subtitles rau cov video koj iPhone, hauv tes, los yog lwm tus li mobile MP4, nyem qhov nco-down icon nyob ib sab mus ncaj qha import ntawm mobile pab kiag li lawm.

Faj seeb: Yog hais tias koj muaj tej yeeb yaj duab FLV, 3GP, AVCHD los yog lwm yam tawm tswv yim uas yuav pab txhawb subtitle attaching tsis tau, koj tseem siv tau tus Mac thiab qhov rais Converter Video ntxiv subtitles cov yees duab.

add subtitles to video

Kauj ruam 2. Ntxiv subtitle mus yees duab MP4

Tom qab importing MP4 yees duab yuav lub converter, koj yuav pom peb me icon nyob rau hauv tus Xais ntawm tus yees duab rau cov video info bar, nyem qhov thib ob los yog peb ib tug mus qhib ib tug zib nce qhov rais, los koj yuav tig los rau Subtitle tab thiab subtitles ntxiv nyob rau hauv .srt , .ass thiab .ssa rau cov yeeb yaj duab.

add subtitles to mp4

Kauj ruam 3. Xaiv cov hom ntawv tso zis ntau lawm

Koj yuav kom MP4 ua koj tso zis ntau hom ntawv los xaiv lwm tawm tswv yim. Lub neej ntawd tso zis ntau hom ntawv los ntawm cov MP4 converter yog iPhone MP4, yog koj xav hloov, qhib lub hom ntawv sau los ntawm txhaj hom icon nyob rau cov video info bar thiab customize rau hom ntawv tso zis ntau lawm. Muaj ntau tej optimized presets rau li nrov thiab apps nyiam iPhone 7/7 Plus, iPad Pro, iPod, iMovie, HTC, Sony PSP thiab ntau, yog koj xav xaiv koj tus qauv mobile ncaj qha, tig los tus dais tab.

subtitles mp4 mac

Kauj ruam 4. Pib ua hauj lwm subtitle

Tam sim no rov qab mus interface lub ntsiab thiab ntaus rau "Hloov ua lwm yam" nyob rau hauv daim video zaub los yog "Hloov tag nrho" rau txoj kev hauv qab lub interface lub ntsiab ntawm lub converter video, thiab tas yuav tau tas yeej.

how to add subtitles to mp4 video

Tswv yim 1: Qhov yog lub subtitle ntaub ntawv (.srt, .ass thiab .ssa) ?

Koj puas xav ntxiv ib lub subtitle rau koj MP4 video file? yog tias koj tab tom nrhiav tshuaj hassle dawb ces koj tuaj nyob hauv qhov chaw zoo. Koj cia li tau mus kis tau ib co tswv yim zoo thiab qhov zoo software. Ua ntej tshaj peb cia muab koj tus txheej txheem cej luam hais txog txhua yam ntawm nws cov subtitle ua ntaub ntawv thov extensions.

SRT- cov ntaub ntawv no yog feem ntau hu ua SubRip. Nws yog ib software txoj kev pab rau qhov rais extracts (rips) subtitles ntawm MP4 yeeb yaj duab thiab nrog rau lub sij hawm ntawm txhua subtitle taug kev los ntawm cov ntawv luam ntawm cov subtitle. Nws yog siv los ntawm ntau cov video playback. DivX, DVD thiab lwm cov video uas tawm tswv yim txhawb nws. Nws tsis muaj tej ntaub ntawv video.

SSA- Substation Alpha Subtitle tej ntaub ntawv yog tsim los ntawm ib tug tsim tawm npe hu ua Kotus. Nws yog ib hom ntawv nyeem rua uas yuav tau pub nyob rau hauv ib phau ntawv editor.

Lub nroog YEIUXALEES- Aegisub Advanced Substation Alpha tej ntaub ntawv (.ass) yog ib daim ntawv subtitle yog Aegisub uas yog ib tug ntoo khaub lig-platform video typesetting daim ntawv thov. Nws stores cov subtitle siv syntax Advanced Substation Alpha uas yog mas siv storing edited ntsia subtitles ntawm MP4 yeeb yaj duab.

Ntsis 2: Yuav ua li cas los ua SRT, SSA, thiab lub nroog YEIUXALEES files?

Cov hom ntaub ntawv SRT yog ib hom ntawv siv feem ntau subtitle li nws txhawb ntau hom players tawm. Nws tsis muaj ib hom ntawv video thaum ib phau ntawv cia rau displaying rau subtitle thaum tau streaming kev yees duab. Tsim muaj cov ntaub ntawv srt yog yooj yim, thiab koj tsis tau download tau tej software no. Koj yuav cias siv notepad lossis cov ntawv luam editor no. Yog koj xav kom muaj tej subtitle zoo li .srt, .ssa los yog .ass cia li ua raws li cov kauj ruam uas yooj yim.

Kauj ruam 1: Qhib rau Notepad > nyem "Pib" > mus "Cov kev pab tag nrho" > Accessories > Notepad

Kauj ruam 2: Rau peb tus .srt tej ntaub ntawv faib ib kab lus subtitle nyias ua khej yog numbering xwb. Cia li ntaus ntawv "1" thiab ces nias "Sau" los ua tus kab lus subtitle.

Kauj ruam 3: Mus tso saib cov kab lus subtitle sau lub sij hawm luv. Yog hais tias koj xav tau cov kab lus subtitle kom muab tso tawm kom pom los ntawm cov peb feeb ntawm tus yees duab ces ntaus ntawv "00:03:00 00:04:00" thiab ces nias "Sau".

Kauj ruam 4: Tam sim no ua rau cov kab lus subtitle thawj ntawm typing cov kab lus subtitle thiab nias rau "Sau".

Kauj ruam 5: cov kauj ruam tib los typing "2" rau thib ob subtitle, "3" rau peb subtitle los sau cov kab lus subtitle ua luaj rau. • Cais cov kab lus subtitle ua numbered khej zoo li no.

Kauj ruam 6: Tom qab peb cov subtitle nrho kab lus tseg cov ntaub ntawv hom SRT. Nyem qhov "Pib" > "Tseg". Mam li mus rau "Txuag tau li cas" > xaiv "Cov ntaub ntawv" ntawm tus nco cia zaub mov.

Kauj ruam 7: Ces cov ntaub ntawv npe ntaus hauv lub tshav pob "Cov ntaub ntawv npe" thiab ntaus ntawv ".srt" > nias "Txuag tau".

iSkysoft Editor
Jul 19,2017 10:00 am / lo rau ntawm mus yees duab npaum lis cas
How-to > yees duab npaum lis cas > li cas ntxiv Subtitles MP4 yeeb yaj duab Mac thiab qhov rais
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