MP4 rau lub qhov rais ntsia txiag: yuav ua li cas rau Import MP4 rau lub qhov rais ntsia txiag

Txhua zaus thaum koj import MP4 rau lub qhov rais ntsia txiag los sis lub tsev nyob ntsia txiag, nws tsis tau lawm working? qhov rais ntsia txiag tseem tsis tau paub txog koj MP4 files? cov no yog ib qhov teeb meem tshwm sim ces yuav tsum los ntawm ntau qhov rais ntsia txiag cov neeg siv. Muaj ib co tawm tswv yim txaus siab los ntawm qhov rais ntsia txiag, xws li .wmv, .asf, .avi, .mpe, .mpeg, .mpg, .m1v, .mp2, .mp2v, .mpv2, thiab. wm. Muaj koj nyob tsis muaj MP4?! Nws yog tsis txaus siab natively. Li ntawd, koj yuav tsum tau hloov MP4 rau lub qhov rais ntsia txiag tshaj hom li WMV ua ntej importing.

Yuav ua li cas rau Import MP4 rau lub qhov rais ntsia txiag

Ua tau, nws yuav tsis nyuaj li thaum koj xav txog tej yam. Yog xav tau dab tsi yog ib tug yog ib qho video converter UniConverter, uas pab npaj cov zoo WMV video rau koj qhov rais ntsia txiag rau ntawm qhov rais 10/8/7/XP/Vista, zoo ib yam li tsis muaj tej yam dab tsi yog cov hom ntawv uas koj qhov video ntaub ntawv.

Zoo yees duab Converter rau qhov rais - UniConverter

Siv MP4 rau lub qhov rais ntsia txiag txhawb kev hom ntawv tau yooj yim.

  • Hloov 150 + lwm video hom ntawv los WMV ntxiv rau MP4, ces koj yuav import koj yees duab rau cov nyiaj txiag ntsia qhov rai (Live) rau editing.
  • Los nrog tagnrho mus yees duab editing cuab yeej xws li luas, qoob loo, teebmeem, Subtitle, Watermark, etc. los customize koj cov ntawv tso zis ntau lawm.
  • Ncaj qha mus siv rau hom ntawv mobile li txaus siab thiab ces xav lawv yuav koj iPhone, cov iPad, hauv tes thiab ntsiav tshuaj nrog USB.
  • Hloov ua lwm yam yeeb yaj duab nyob hauv internet ntawm YouTube, Vevo, Metacafe, Hulu, Dailymotion, Vimeo, Facebook thiab 1,000 + video sib koom chaw.
  • Hlawv koj MP4 los yog nyiaj txiag ntsia lub tsev ntaub ntawv yuav DVD, los yog luam rau koj lub PC qhov rais ua thaub qab yog hais tias koj xav tau.
  • Tshaj mas qhov rais 10/8/7/XP/Vista lossis macOS 10.6 thiab saum toj no, txog qhov tseeb 10.12 Sierra.

Kauj ruam 1. Ntxiv MP4 video ntaub ntawv rau lub converter

Ntxiv qhov yeeb yaj duab MP4 koj txhaj "Ntxiv cov ntaub ntawv" los siv rau txoj kev luag-n-nco. Koj yuav tau nyem qhov tus nco cia icon nyob ib sab mus ncaj qha mus ntsaws MP4 ntaub ntawv los ntawm koj li mobile.

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Kauj ruam 2. Koj muab WMV raws li lub hom ntawv tso zis ntau lawm

Nias lub icon hom ntawv nyob sab xis mus qhib lub hom ntawv sau, thiab xaiv "WMV" raws li cov hom ntawv tso zis ntau lawm. Yog hais tias koj xav hloov rau cov video nqis xws li kev daws teeb meem, tus nqi ntsis thiab lwm cov chaw, nyem qhov icon "Cov chaw" kom configure raws li koj xav tau.

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Kauj ruam 3. Siv MP4 rau lub qhov rais ntsia txiag tshaj WMV hom


Thaum txhua yam kev npaj txhij, nias "Siv" khawm hauv cov zaub los yog "Hloov tag nrho" nyob hauv qab txoj cai yog tias koj muaj ntau yam MP4 yeeb yaj duab, thiab tag nrho rau txawv teb MP4 video ntaub ntawv yuav raug kab y = x. WMV hom ntawv ntawm no MP4 rau lub qhov rais ntsia txiag Video Converter ntshuam.

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Lub tswv yim: Yuav txawv MP4 yees duab ua ntej converting, nyem icon uas muaj "Txawv" rau hauv lub qhov rai video zaub. UniConverter rau lub tsev muaj xws li tagnrho mus yees duab editing cuab yeej xws li Rotate, luas, qoob loo, nyhuv, Watermark thiab Subtitle.

Kauj ruam 4. Ntshuam MP4 rau lub qhov rais ntsia txiag

Nyob ntawm seb koj version los ntawm qhov rais ntsia txiag los sis lub tsev nyob ntsia txiag, cov nyees khawm no sib txawv me ntsis:
MP4 ntshuam yees duab rau cov qhov rais ntsia txiag: Thaum twg tus conversion tiav, qhib qhov rais ntsia txiag thiab nias rau "Import" los yog "Import Video" ntawm sab laug mus import koj yees duab rau qhov sau los ua yeeb yam thiab luag thiab poob rau lub ncua sij hawm rau editing.
MP4 ntshuam yees duab rau cov qhov rais nyob ntsia txiag: Pib qhov rais nyob ntsia txiag thiab mus rau ib "Lub tsev" tab nyob rau hauv lub tshuab raj ribbon thiab nias rau "Ntxiv yees duab" nyob rau hauv lub vaj huam sib luag "Sib ntxiv" los nrhiav kev yees duab zoo converted MP4.

Yuav ua li cas tus ntau, yog koj xav siv qhov rais ntsia txiag yeeb yaj duab rau MP4, thov mus saib rau ntawm no tau nyeem daim ntawv qhia ncauj lus kom ntxaws.

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Yeem: Dawb hauv internet MP4 rau lub qhov rais ntsia txiag Converter

Koj yuav tau sim nyob online video converter los hloov koj cov ntaub ntawv MP4 rau lub qhov rais ntsia txiag, yog hais tias koj tsis xav rau nruab ib qho computer program. Sim ma hauv qab no:

Faj seeb: Vim hais tias lub cuab tam online (computer) tsis them nyiaj yug "https", ces yog hais tias cov ntsiab lus hauv qab no yog dawb paug, thov manually nyem lub icon "Ntaub thaiv npog" ntawm sab xis ntawm koj qhov browser chaw nyob bar mus ntsaws rau tsab ntawv. Daim ntawv no yog ruaj ntseg tsis muaj teebmeem rau koj cov ntaub ntawv los yog lub computer.

iSkysoft Editor
Sep 20,2017 10:36 am / lo rau ntawm mus hloov MP4
How-to > hloov MP4 > MP4 rau lub qhov rais ntsia txiag: yuav ua li cas rau Import MP4 rau lub qhov rais ntsia txiag
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