Hmmmmm, I liked this program, does the video converting job quite nicely, and I was looking forward to more progress of it.
I needed a no nonsense .mp4 to .3gp movie converted and found this. I was very happy the first time i''ve used this program.Outstanding. Many thanks!
Easy to use.Simple and fast. I played the converted mov file in QT alongside the original wmv file in VLC, I detected very little loss of quality. The FPS, bit rates, etc. were identical to the original wmv file.
Clean, simple User interface. Reliable. Runs in background. Does everything I ask.Really a good converter, love its speed!
One of the best video converters out there!And the support for it is second to none!!This, in my opinion, is a must have video converter for all users!
I like the speed and reliability of this software, Good! Just what I need! Support various formats, function smoothly!
I tried this specifically to convert wmv files to mov for viewing on my ipad. I found it to be more than adequate in doing this. It was fairly quick. There are no preferences to fiddle with - so no need to choose codecs, bit rates, FPS, etc. - just drag and drop, hit the button, and off it goes.
Really a good video converter. Smooth and fast. Besides to converter videos, it can also edit video and make movie. It can works where other software fails, great software.
If there is any review this product deserves is an excellent review and highly positive rating. It will help you to overcome all the problems related to media.
I am also one of those very satisfied users of this product. I would love to leave an excellent rating and positive feedback for this great tool.