Oculus Rift Review: Zog, kev kawm, so Controllers, ua si thiab tshaj

Lub Oculus Rift yog ib virtual ntawm kev muaj tiag headset tsim thiab uas ua los ntawm VR Oculus, nws faib Facebook Inc., pom hnub tim 28, 2016.

Tus Rift muaj ib stereoscopic OLED qhia, 1080 × 1200 txiav txim rau txhua qhov muag, muaj 90 Hz revive npaum li cas, thiab 110° teb saib. Nws muaj incorporated earphones uas muab rau ib lub feem 3D, muab thiab positional hauv qab no. Yam lub positional no moj khaum, hu ua "Constellation", yog ib tug USB nyob ruaj ruaj infrared sensor uas yog thawb teeb uas pom los ntawm IR LEDs uas muaj hauj lwm ua ke rau hauv lub taub hau mounted yeeb yam. Lub sensor ordinarily sits rau tus neeg ua hauj lwm cheeb tsam. Qhov no ua rau chaw 3D, noj rau saib xyuas cov neeg kom siv cov Rift zaum, taw ntsees, losis strolling ncig ib chav tsev zoo sib xws.


No lub Oculus headset xwb, uas accompanies earphones thiab ib microphone. Ntxiv thiab yog lub sensor, ib foot-and-a-half-foot-tall gadget uas mus li hauv qab no rau lub headset, paub txog thaum koj tshem koj lub taub hau nyob ib ncig ntawm nyob rau hauv qhov chaw positional. Muaj yog ib cov chaw taws teeb Oculus tswj thiab maub los Xbox ib. Nws yuav zoo li no sibroj siblaw cov USB thiab HDMI cables rau cov nyob qib qub nrog lub PC, uas sau Palmer Luckey hais yog regards rau "4 meters nyob ntev".

oculus virtual reality

Tsis hais leej twg tseem hais tias koj tseem tsis tau ib gamer, Oculus Rift ua tau lub wellspring ntawm delight rau koj.

Gaming tsi muaj tiag tiag cov ntaub ntawv tseem ceeb, tiam sis; envision tus neeg ua hauj lwm hauv-npaj siv khiav cov headset ua reenacted phais los yog designers ua mimicked cov qauv ntawm cov chaw ua hauj lwm. Cov neeg uas nyob rau hauv ob peb ntxiv teb, xws li, kev qhia ntawv; pom tau qhov sib txuas lus thiab lub hlwb kev kawm, muaj zoo li no tshwm rau tej yam txaus siab rau siv khiav cov Oculus Rift tsom lawv ua hauj lwm.

Tus standout txawj tus siv tseeb uas cov Oculus Rift qhia yog ib pawg roboticist ntawm lub tsev kawm ntawv ntawm Pennsylvania. Siv khiav cov gadget nrog ib tug neeg hlau (outfitted nrog Arduino thiab Intel Edison microcontrollers), cov pab pawg neeg yuav taug qab thiab coj tom qab ib tug neeg uas xaiv ib tug neeg uas ua tau telepresence hlau uas pom tau tias immersive ntau tshaj txoj cai tam sim no puas siv tau cov ntaub ntawv.

Thiab tsis tas li neeg utilizes, cov Rift tau rho hauv tej yam txaus siab loj loj los ntawm tej kws muaj txuj kev lag luam thiab cov voj efficiency txhim kho, sawv cev, thiab publicizing.

Ntau yam xws li tshuab npe muaj cai muaj tau kawm ua ntau hom siv khiav cov Rift xaav thiab tus qauv npaj txog. Uas yog programming, cov Rift no designers siab precisely dab tsi lawv tsev yuav zoo li, thiab tau txais ib tug tau taub txog cov teev uas yog unimaginable rau ib qho screen dab qhuas.

Mid 2015, Audi pib siv khiav Rift tsim tawm cov khoom siv 2 lub nyob dealerships pab neeg tau tsim cov pib muaj kev ntse rau, thiab tseem perceive yam tsav ib haiv neeg twg, rau qhov nws pib yuav zoo li.

Cov tub rog Norwegian twb tau kawm ntau hom txog tus Rift tsim cov khoom siv 2 noj mus ua nyiaj ib noteworthy ntau situational paub cov lus siv nrog tiv thaiv tsheb tsav tsheb thiab cov thawj tswj.

virtual reality oculus

Oculus ua ib zog laub rau qhov gaming ib pab nrog cov Rift, thiab muaj ib qho kev ntsuas ntau heev ntawm recreations mus ua si nyob dispatch. Thaum Oculus Studios' cov video lag "Plab" thiab "Henry" yuav puas siv tau rau cov dispatch, cov no yog ib zaj duab xis cia li tsib-feeb encounters.

Muaj ntau instructive los yog encounters pib muaj nyob rau cov neeg tau txais, thiab tob ib txhia yuav puas siv tau rau dispatch. Illustrations teeb ib thawj tug Apollo chaw explorer los lawm, thiab cov Oculus 3D nrag thiab sculpting apparatus nruab nrab.

Tus Rift accompanies ib Xbox ib xws li thiab me ntsis chaw taws teeb, rau cov-gaming encounters.

Nyob dispatch, yuav tsis muaj yam tsi mus kom ze rau inexact tsam koj ob txhais tes. Uas yuav hloov nrog lub sij hawm tuaj txog ntawm Oculus so, booked los sib sau nyob rau hauv Q3. Cov controllers roundabout yuav muaj me tub Pib ntsais koj teeb thiab cov ntiv tes tsim muaj hauv lub Oculus, thiab yog tsim nyob rau hauv. Outsiders no ntxiv thiab chipping cia rau tus neeg tswj zog, tab sis lawv tsis tau tau ensured ua hauj lwm nrog cov amusements thiab cov encounters.

Yog vim li cas Oculus Rift yog ib tus neeg tau txais Headsets zoo

Oculus Rift yuav hloov tus xyuas taub ib watcher. Piv txwv li, rau cov uas muaj off tias koj yuav npaj ib daim duab 360-kawm ntawv tsa suab nrog Oculus Rift, koj yuav txia koj pom seem yus pom thaum twg. Uas implies tias koj yuav hloov ntawm ntug pom thiab txav mus los li tab sis yog koj tseem nyob rau hauv daim duab ntawd tsab ntawv tsa suab. 360-kawm ntawv xa daim duab no qhia yog as of tam sim no tau tsim thiab yog hu ua xoom Point. Cov neeg headset, koj yuav tsis saib qhov screen exhausting ua ntej koj. Koj yuav pom me ntsis cov teeb tag nrho cov suab duab.

Cov neeg headset, koj yuav tsis saib qhov screen exhausting ua ntej koj. Koj yuav pom me ntsis cov teeb ntawm ib zaj duab xis tas nrho. Txawm tias yog ib daim ntawv thov hu ua neeg xinesmas uas yuav hloov rau txoj kev to tshawb xyuas cov lus tsa suab duab.

Mob Oculus Rift, koj yuav tau txav mus los anyplace koj nyiam. Google kev saib muaj no tsi koom tes nrog cov neeg headset. Tam sim no tsuas xaiv ib qho chaw mus laij thiab koj yuav mus ntsib tej exhibition nrog ntawm tsheb ncig nws. Koj yuav pom me ntsis kab foundations rau ntawm koj qhov chaw uas txheeb tsis tshwm.

Koj yuav tawm mus rau ib tug taug kev ua si ib ncig lub chaw keeb kwm thiab muaj txojsia tus kab zauv thiab artworks nyob ib ncig ntawm koj. Headsets neeg yuav qhia tau rau koj mus nrhiav tau ib tus nqi ntau dua neeg kab zauv uas encompass ib gallery xaiv. Thaum no xaiv yuav puas siv tau tom qab ob peb xyoos tsis tau koj yuav mus ntsib British keeb nruab uas yog sau cov tivthaiv Virtual kev muaj tiag.

Koj yuav thaws los ntawm ib tug pej thuam los sis yuav ya hauv roob mus rau Suav teb. Cov neeg tau txais kev muaj tiag, koj yuav pom me ntsis kab tej yam uas ua rau koj txhawj xeeb. Koj yuav zoo li no thaum lub caij ntawm ib rollercoaster nrog koj sawv daws yuav tuaj.

Koj yuav zoo li no mus txo nws hwj uas yeej tsis tshwm sim. Koj yuav laij cov backwoods txog me ntsis supernatural ntawm desolate terrains. Koj twb mus rau tej lub far hauv cov hnub qub. Txij thaum ib tug xov tooj tseem ceeb ntawm no muaj ib tug ntsuas ua hauj lwm, tsis tau koj yuav nyob nimno cia siab tias yuav hais tias qhov no yuav tshwm sim nyob rau hauv ib lub xyoos los yog ob.

Txoj kev lub foundations, Oculus Rift yog qhov zoo tshaj mas zoo li.

Kev cai zaub thiab nrhiav rau lawv

Tus Rift utilizes qhia tau tias kev cai thiab optics innovation teev tshwj xeeb tshaj yog rau cov neeg highlighting ob AMOLED pom tias muaj tsawg-perseverance. Tus innovation empowers tshuab clarity nrig txog kev pom li koj soj ntsuam virtual universes nrog cov Rift siab.

Daim headset ntawd yuav yog peb IR LED pawg hnub qub qab moj khaum taw qhia 360-kawm ntawv pes tsawg, uas tsis muaj kev inactivity thiab txoj hauj lwm tom qab.

Suab neeg hauj lwm ua ke

Suab yog ib qib qis ya mus accomplishing thiab mus pab tau txoj yua.

Tus Rift nrog ib phab neeg lub moj khaum los haub koj pob ntseg uas koj nyob nraum genuinely muaj. Cov hauj lwm ua ke earphones puas tau txuas ntxiv rau cov uas muaj off uas koj yuav siv tsis tau koj tus kheej.

Nws ntxiv thiab consolidates ib astounding puab microphone rau kev encounters.

Ergonomics thiab tsim

Peb nyob nraum amazingly energized uas koj yuav tau sim cov Rift tshiab txog — peb twb tau refining nws thoob plaws lub tshiab tshaj ob peb xyoos.

Muaj ib tug progressed qhov Rift ergonomic txog tej qhov headset hais tau kho thiab dependability. No pluaj tsim offloads ntawm cov luj uas xwb, permitting tus Rift so tau yooj yim.

Kom yooj yim rau li slipping rau ib baseball saum no. Thaum uas koj nyob nraum hauv, cia li yoog lub straps kom haum koj.

Txhawb, peb twb incorporated kev ntsuas no tshwm sim rau kev sib cais ntawm cov ntsiab lus focal raws feem kev tsim koj. Koj yuav zoo li no tawm mus lawm lub interface ntawm lub ntsej muag rau koj siv cov ilv froth, thiab peb twb enhanced cov khoom tivthaiv kom zoo haum tsom iav.

Tej thaj chaw deb Xbox ib xws li muaj nyob rau txhua Rift

Peb twb tau nrug intimately engineers rau hauv dab tsi lawv yuav tsum tau los ntawm cov Rift txij thaum lub soonest hnub ntawm Oculus.

Engineers xav tau kev pab ntxiv yog gadget uas ua si nyhav thiab sufficiently yooj ywm kom tej ntug amusements thiab encounters ntawm no tseem cia nrog cov neeg tau txais. Raws li ntawd ob leeg siv zog, peb twb xaiv los ua fuse yog ib qhov zoo tshaj plaws gamepads puas siv tau, muaj tej thaj chaw deb Xbox ib maub los, nrog txhua Rift.

Lub Xbox xws li yog ib feem tseem ceeb ntawm qhov ntxiv uas nws kim heev neeg input baffle. Piv txwv li, nws yog cov feem ntau txaus txig ua si amusements Lucky lub taleas, tswv yim zoo ib yam li: Valkyrie, thiab ntug ntawm Nowhere.

oculus rift virtual reality

Oculus kov

So Oculus yog ob peb taug controllers uas kev tes yua – lub vibe ntawm lawm yog li koj virtual tes yeej yog koj tus kheej. So yuav muab cov neeg uas tau muab sij hawm coj lawv kev muaj tiag virtual encounters ntau tej thaj chaw deb tshaj txhua lub sij hawm tsis ntev los no nco qas ntsoov qhib tshiab collaborations.

oculus touch

Hnub no, peb nyob nraum flaunting ib lub qauv tivthaiv rau Oculus so ntawm E3 hu ua 'Ib nrab hli'. Yog ob tug controllers, ib qho rau txhua tes. Tsuav zoo tib yam leb ua siv sib, zoo xws li koj ob txhais tes.

Txhua hli nrab hnub xws li muaj ib tug dab qhuas yooj yim thumbstick, ob tug thawj, thiab ib tug txhais lus. Zoo li no yog tias peb hu tus tus 'tes txhais' ntsuas ib cov lus qhia. Envision siv khiav no txhais mus virtual siv ua phem, ces siv khiav koj forefinger mus raws nws.

Tsuav yog tej thaj chaw deb ces koj yuav tsiv mus nyob thiab tham nrog lub ntiaj teb virtual unreservedly, thiab lawv siv tsis tau ib tug zoo IR LED pawg hnub qub qab moj khaum peb siv rau hauv cov Rift rau hauv qab no qhia kiag, tsawg-dormancy, 6-DOF.

Cov ib nrab hli qauv sib txuas ntxiv ntawm haptics designers yuav siv cov kev tawm tswv yim thaum interfacing nrog cov khoom nyob rau hauv lub ntiaj teb no virtual.

Thaum ntev kawg ib nrab hli yuav taw kev nyob noj haus uake ntawm cov ntiv tes postures siv khiav ib network ntawm sensors mounted ntawm lub gadget, uas tau no muaj xws li cov mus perceive xyuas cov tes qhib postures li koj tswj, waving, thiab txheem txheej ib go-ahead.

Oculus Rift muaj genuinely muaj ib cov nyhuv loj nyob hauv cov gaming scene, thiab muab ib yam khoom kws nyob hauv lub tsev khw jumbled. Qhov no yog ib yam khoom deserving ntawm tej txoj kev saib xyuas.

iSkysoft Editor
Feb 16,2017 14:12 pm / lo rau ntawm rau neeg yees duab
How-to > neeg yees duab > Oculus Rift Review: zog, kev kawm, kov Controllers, ua si thiab tshaj
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