Do you have an MP4 file that you want to convert to MP3? If yes, you will be well sorted out by choosing to use any of the following five free convertors. Make sure you have taken a keen look at the features they come with, their pros as well as cons and it will help you make an informed choice.
MP4 to MP3 Converter Free Download
#1. UniConverter (Mac and Windows)
UniConverter is the best MP4 to MP3 converter with superb, highly optimized and super-fast conversion features. It is one program that lets you extract audio from various video formats to MP3 for your portable devices like iPad and mobile devices. The iSkysoft MP4 to MP3 Converter does not require any special knowledge or skills to operate as it is very convenient and user friendly. When using the program you will notice that it has superb multitasking and batch-conversion features that will allow you to import multiple MP4 video files at a go and enjoy their conversion to MP3 format at a super-fast speed. In addition to these, UniConverter has special editing features such that if you want a specific segment of the MP4 video, you can trim and convert that specific part with ease.
Get the Best MP4 to MP3 Video Converter - UniConverter
- Easily extract audio from 150+ video formats, and convert to various audio format such as MP3, WAV, M4A, AAC, etc. according to your need.
- Download online videos from 1,000 online video sharing websites, even directly download YouTube Playlist to MP3 or from other sites.
- Transfer downloaded MP3 songs or other movie files to mobile devices like iPhone, iPad, Samsung and other Android Devices easily.
- Burn all your favorite MP3 songs or movie videos to CD or DVD to enjoy anywhere, share to friends or copy to several disks as backup.
- Allow to edit the encode settings for all video and audio formats, such as channel, sample rate, quality, etc.
How to Convert MP4 to MP3 with iSkysoft
Step 1. Load MP4 files to the converter
To begin with, please drag and drop your MP4 videos to the MP4 to MP3 converter. Alternatively, you can use the "Add Files" button to import MP4 videos from your Mac or Windows PC. For MP4 files in mobile devices, click the drop down icon beside to directly load from your devices like iPhone, iPad, Android Phones/tablets, or external hard drive, etc.
Step 2. Select MP3 as the output format
Now you should go to the format tray and then choose "MP3" from the "Audio" tab. In the meantime, you can modify encode settings by clicking the Setting icon on the right to change for example sample rate, channel, quality, etc.
Step 3. Start to convert MP4 to MP3
Finally, return to the main window of thies MP4 to MP3 converter and just hit the "Convert" button in each video clip or "Convert All" button at bottom right to complete the MP4 to MP3 converting process. And you can check here to get detailed guide on how to convert MP4 to MP3.
#2. Format Factory (Windows)
You will like this software program because of the limitless and high quality features it comes with. If your file is too large, Format Factory will scale that down to a size of your liking and quality will not be lost. Language will not be a barrier when using the program because it has support for up to 62 languages so you can choose the one that you understand. Under no circumstances will you be unable to enjoy this program because of language barriers. The other features that stand out from this program are repair for damaged files, ripping of DVD and general conversion across different platforms and file formats. Before making formal purchase, ensure you have downloaded the latest version of this program for free trial.
The program has very many features that you can get maximum value from.
It doesn't support the multiple files at once.
n #3. Any Video Converter Free (Mac and Windows)
It is not a surprise that most of video editors prefer using this software among the many that are in the market. It is because the program offers all that you will be looking for to convert your MP4 to MP3 at no cost. The media player is full-featured which will enhance your experience while handling high definition videos is very easy. Other good reasons that will drive you towards using this software are ability to determine quality of your video, making of animated GIF from a video as well as creation of HTML5 video with an embedding code. You can download it easily for a free trial.
It works in very high speeds, has guarantee for high quality to converted files and allows for batch conversion of many files at a go.
It takes a long time to load videos.
#4. Wondershare Video Converter Ultimate (Mac and Windows)
When video convertors with all the necessary features are listed down, this will be among the top in that list. It really stands out for its unique features that you will get firsthand feel of by choosing to use it. Some of the features are one-click web video download, conversion to key formats for video and audio, ready presets for multiple devices and batch conversion of many files at a go. There are very powerful editing tools that the software comes with and helps to accomplish the mission by just few and simple clicks. It is good for enhancing quality and personalizing of files but first consider a free trial.
It's instant and trouble-free.
#5. iDealshare VideoGo (Mac and Windows)
This free convertor works at very high speeds and can handle both video and audio files. You can use it to convert files online and that is an added advantage over others that require downloading before editing happens. Editing is accomplished by a few clicks and converted files will playback on any device and platform without experiencing hitches. The quality of converted files is maintained at 100% which is a great feature.
Easy to use and faster conversion speed.
Needs the bugs to be fixed on different file format support and conversion.
#6. Faasoft Video Converter (Mac and Windows)
It is a 4-in-one program that can download, edit, convert and play files easily. With just a single click, you will be able to download the program for free trial and with its high compatibility rate; it can handle more than 160 files in 3D, HD and SD. It has no quality loss after conversion while speeds are at 30X faster than normal editors. The editing tools it comes with are rotate, crop, trim, splitting by chapter as well as adding effect, watermark and subtitle.
It is very powerful thanks to its features and user-friendly interface.
None, so far.